Global response to climate change

Sir, – In commenting on last week's referendum result in favour of marriage equality, Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin displayed characteristic humility and openness, when he acknowledged that "the church has a huge task in front of it to find the language to be able to talk to and to get its message across to young people, not just on this issue, but in general" ("Catholic Church needs reality check", May 25th).

He and his colleagues will not have long to wait. It is expected that Pope Francis will release his much-anticipated teaching document on the environment and climate change in the coming weeks. It would be hard to imagine an issue more central to the future of young people today; or one where the church’s teachings could be more contemporary, more relevant or more genuinely inspiring.

The climate change challenge is now so stark – and so grotesquely inequitable – that effective action demands nothing short of a cultural and spiritual revolution; a rediscovery of our common humanity, and our capacity to truly love others as ourselves.

If the church can teach this message sincerely, with due respect and humility, then young people – of all religions and none – will surely respond. – Yours, etc,




An Taisce

Climate Committee,

Dublin 8.