
Sir, - Re Eamonn Morrissey's comment: "Doing the Bloomsday tour on June 16th can be depressing nowadays

Sir, - Re Eamonn Morrissey's comment: "Doing the Bloomsday tour on June 16th can be depressing nowadays. You will meet too many people wearing funny hats and funny name-tags" (June 13th). Eamonn may be shocked to learn that the Brother has been seen barrelling around Dublin dressed up in funny clothes on Bloomsday too.

A noted Joycean expert, the Brother has been heard to say that dressing up on Bloomsday is a humorous antidote to the many Gloomsdays endured by Dubliners after ploughing through the minefield of misery and mayhem printed in our newspapers every day now. The Brother is right, of course, as ever! - Yours, etc., Patricia Wall,


Co Clare.