Gluten-free ingredients

Sir, – People with coeliac disease need to avoid any flour and cereal with gluten in it, as gluten aggravates a digestive disorder and causes problems with absorption of nutrients, and often serious digestive discomfort. I watched an episode of the Great Irish Bake-Off because it featured gluten-free pizza. The presenter at one point asked a contestant why one should use gluten-free flour, to which the answer was some vague thought about some people preferring it. The presenter didn't query the answer, nor did either of the judges pick up the point and find out if all the contestants knew why they were using gluten-free flour, and explain coeliac disease to those who didn't know about it. A recent recipe for youngsters in The Irish Times ("Cashew Thumbprint Cookies", February 13th) included "rolled oats (gluten-free if possible)". Why? If you are cooking for coeliacs, gluten-free ingredients are a necessity. If you are cooking for people without the condition, gluten-free flour or cereal is not a good idea, as the food will be deficient in one or more of the B-vitamin complex. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.