A chara, - Having read Waiting for Godot for the umpteenth time, in anticipation of attending the Gate production, I feel like…

A chara, - Having read Waiting for Godot for the umpteenth time, in anticipation of attending the Gate production, I feel like screaming: "Play it again, Sam! You really considered us to be a wretched, useless, soulless, characterless mob. You crackled and sneered and guffawed at us as we trundled on to oblivion... no fall, just an aimless tumble."

Camus has a lot to be responsible for with his inane ramblings. He's responsible for the inertia, the sameness, and the passive hero who does nothing. We're all really novelists by his standards. No individuality, no solidarity, no energy, dead souls. We meander between one thought and the next.

You were right Sam. Waiting is the important thing.

I'm damned if I'm going to move.


The drama in life would disap-

pear, and, we'd have some, control.

We're gazzumped.

Busyness is the disease of the modern age

Why not?

It beats the alternative.

Or, on further reflection, is it the same?

-Yours etc.,

Lower Glenageary Road,

Dun Laoghaire.

PS. I nearly forgot. Many thanks to Lawrence, Genet, Osborne and of course, last but not least, Monsieur Sartre.