Golf And Gender

Sir, - Whenever I read a letter in your columns which preaches "equality" I invariably feel that it is a crutch for a failed …

Sir, - Whenever I read a letter in your columns which preaches "equality" I invariably feel that it is a crutch for a failed argument.

So it was with Una O'Brien's letter of November 28th. Equality is an obnoxious concept and is the enemy of freedom. In the case cited by Ms O'Brien, that of golf clubs which "do not accord women the same membership rights as men", why should a private club not have the freedom to grant membership to whomsoever it wishes?

I am ineligible for membership of the Royal College of Surgeons, the ICA and the Law Library. I am content to remain unequal to the members of these organisations. - Yours, etc.,

Don Heenan, Williamstown, Co Carlow.