Good deed for the day

Sir, – I am writing regarding an incident that has deeply touched my heart. I am a doctor working at the Rehabilitation Hospital, Dún Laoghaire. I frequently take the 46A from Baker’s Corner into town. Unfortunately in the midst of my busy work, I only realised that I had no credit left on my Leap card and not enough change as I boarded the 46A at around noon on September 16th last. I was going to pay the €3.30 fare with a €5 note but was declined and I was told to step out of the bus (which I was about to do, as the driver was only doing his job). In the midst of it all, a lady stood up and stepped forward and offered to pay for my fare (I was short of €1). I was deeply touched by her kindness and the gesture in coming to help a total stranger. I did not get her name and only managed a mere thank you. Whoever she was, she has certainly restored my faith in humanity. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.