Good Friday and alcohol ban

Sir, – Seriously, putting all joking, smart comments, and sideswipes at religion aside, we must face up to it that we have a problem with regard to alcohol abuse. There is no one simple solution like restricting trading hours for pubs, or price controls on sales, although these may have their place.

A multifaceted approach is needed. The smoking ban was in comparison a simple thing, but its success should encourage us to tackle alcohol.

The alcohol industry constitutes a powerful lobby with huge resources and a very professional publicity machine that will fight to the end, and few are willing to face it down.

We have a problem, and we must realise that.


It is so much part of our lives we tend to take it as the norm, and have difficulty in seeing that it need not be.

Regarding the Good Friday ban in particular, could we have a little tolerance please? The day is very sacred for many and that should be respected. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.