Good people

Sir, – I am an Australian visiting Ireland for the first time, and arrived in Dublin on February 2nd. I am 82. Shortly after 10am last Monday, I left my accommodation on Wellington Quay to get a feel for the city of Dublin. Just 20 metres from my front door I tripped and had a very bad fall. This is to thank the many people who so kindly assisted me. The young lady who phoned for an ambulance and refused to leave until I was placed in the ambulance. This would have delayed her by about 40 minutes on whatever business she was undertaking. A man from a nearby building site who came with a first-aid kit. He made me as comfortable as he could, and stayed until the paramedics arrived. Thank you for the paramedics who took me to St James’s hospital and for the care and attention given to me by the triage staff and the senior treatment nurse Olivia.

The upshot is that I have been meantime grounded in my accommodation and will return to St James’s today to have stitches removed and a check that all is okay. Unfortunately due to my inability to move around this week, my visit will be restricted to Dublin as I must depart on February 16th. But there is a plus side to that – it gives me a very valid reason to return to Ireland in the future! – Yours, etc,




New South Wales, Australia.