Government policy on autism and schooling

Madam, - I would like to commend Mary Raftery's article on autism (Opinion, May 10th).

Madam, - I would like to commend Mary Raftery's article on autism (Opinion, May 10th).

As parents of a child with autism, we faced years without services. We met other parents of autistic children and set up our own Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) school within four months. The Department of Education received our application for funding 14 months ago but we still have had no response. Our children are clearly benefiting from ABA intervention and it is appalling that it is not available to other children in similar situations.

It is amazing that the Government can do a U-turn on stamp duty but is unable to do the same on ABA schools when clearly its policy is wrong. - Yours, etc,

DANIEL O MAHONY, Offington Avenue, Sutton,  Dublin 13.


Madam, - My thanks to Mary Raftery for highlighting the Government's sub-standard response to the crisis in education for children with autism.

My son is autistic and is very fortunate to attend an ABA school in Drogheda. It is mind-boggling that the Minister for Education and Science is totally at odds with much international research into autism schooling - and with the recommendations of the Government's own task force. - Yours, etc,

MARK O'CONNOR, Drumgowna,  Louth Village, Co Louth.

Madam, - Mary Raftery describes the Fine Gael position on autism as "disgracefully vague". I'm happy to say it is nothing of the kind.

Fine Gael's election manifesto explicitly states that, where a period of intensive education is professionally recommended for children with autism, we will support this approach.

In government, we will support ABA education for children with autism who need it. This is not just an empty pre-election promise. Fine Gael has budgeted for increased financial support for the education of children with autism, and our financial framework shows we will spend an additional €45 million on autism education over the lifetime of a term of government.

Fine Gael believes that one size does not fit all in education, and will support the diverse needs of children and young people today. - Yours, etc,

OLWYN ENRIGHT, Fine Gael Spokesperson on Education and Science, Dublin 2.