Government role in Bus Éireann problems

Sir, – It beggars belief that Minister for Transport Shane Ross can say (News, December 7th) that Bus Éireann will be insolvent in a matter of years, when at the same time the level of government support for the company has dropped from €321 million in 2009 to €189 million in 2015.

With that level of annual subvention cut, and the company targeted to be in deficit to the tune of several million euros in 2016, it suggests that the company has increased annual net intake by over €120 million a year of its own accord since 2009.

Whatever about the demands for pay rises by its staff, it is surely clear to all that Bus Éireann has achieved an enormous amount internally, and for the travelling public in recent years – offering a vital service to parts of the country not serviced by rail – yet the Government seems set on undermining the company and falsely representing it as unsustainable; all the while it is the Government that has caused the damage.

Not a glowing endorsement for this Government’s commitment to public transport to say the least. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.