GP care for children under six

Sir, – I note that the Minister for Health Varadkar states there is no basis for meeting the National Association of General Practitioners (NAGP), given that it was threatening legal action against the scheme ("More than 10,000 children signed up to free GP care", June 16th).

This is most surprising, given that normal practice where legal disputes are threatened is for the parties to meet in order to defuse the situation and to reach an amicable solution, if at all possible.

His behaviour would appear to be that of a person with no awareness that the resources of the state should be regarded as limited, rather than limitless.

Mr Varadkar’s comments are also surprising, given that the NAGP now represents over 50 per cent of GPs, many of whom have joined the association due to their concern at the politicisation of general practice, as exemplified by the granting, the subsequent removal and the return again of medical cards to the over-70s, and now the under-six fiasco.


Mr Varadkar’s attitude is akin to a very young under-six-year-old child who is used to throwing his rattler out of the pram, and having it picked up again, and again, for him.

Such an attitude may also explain his disconnect from GPs whose only interest is to offer quality care to sick patients, but who must make a living in order to do so, and who are in some cases working up to 80 hours per week, with obvious detrimental consequences for their long-term health, for their personal relationships, and for their ongoing involvement in general practice.

Mr Varadkar should regard the flight to the NAGP from the Irish Medical Organisation as being indicative of a depth of despair and concern among GPs, and treat all GPs, irrespective of what organisation they are members of, equally and with respect.

An under-six attitude to an adult problem is not appropriate. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – I think credit is due to Dr James Reilly, the HSE and to Minister for Health Varadkar for getting this scheme over the line.

It’s a wonder why we never managed to provide such a service to our young and vulnerable before now. More of the same for our ailing healthcare system, please. – Yours, etc,

