Greatly exaggerated

Madam, - Though I do not wish to express an opinion as to the use of "over-exaggerated" by Prof Declan Kiberd (Opinion, August…

Madam, - Though I do not wish to express an opinion as to the use of "over-exaggerated" by Prof Declan Kiberd (Opinion, August 29th), it is interesting to notice how a form of the word was used by Mark Twain. Like most people, for many years I have believed that Twain said: "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

Not so, according to The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Oxford says that Twain's words were as follows: "The report of my death was an exaggeration." It seems that Twain's remark has been greatly exaggerated. - Yours, etc,

ROBERT GREACEN, Sandymount, Dublin 4.