Greenham Common days

Madam, - Margaretta D'Arcy (September 6th) calls me a "male chauvinist"

Madam, - Margaretta D'Arcy (September 6th) calls me a "male chauvinist". I assure her that I am not; it is just that much of the guff about the Greenham Common camp induces queasiness.

Could Ms. D'Arcy (or anyone else) respond to my fundamental point - that the Cruise missiles were a response to the hostile deployment by the Soviet Union in Europe of its SS-20 missiles? Had the Greenham protest succeeded in its intent to overturn the deployment, by democratically elected governments, of the Cruise missiles, there would not have been anything with which to negotiate.

We all rejoice that they are gone; they took the SS-20s with them.

I confirm that nuclear weapons in Iran would concern me more than nuclear weapons in Scotland. Ms D'Arcy might reflect that a resolution passed at the UN Women's Conference in New York in 2000 (to which she refers) probably does not count for a great deal in Tehran just now.


- Yours, etc,

P.D. DOYLE, Clontarf Road, Dublin 3.