Gsoc and watchdogs

Sir, – Ireland appears to have an uneasy relationship with watchdogs. The Garda Síochána keeps a watch on criminals. Gsoc keeps a watch on the Garda and occasionally the media. Politicians prefer to watch judges, rather than appoint a judicial council, which is the norm in all the other members of the Council of Europe. The media outlets want the judges to keep a watch on Gsoc. A number of other watchdogs perform various roles.

However, some watchdogs clearly have keener noses, louder barks and sharper bites than others. Some are under-resourced, meaning their bark is often reduced to a whimper. Others clearly understand that they should not bite their owners. Media outlets are, of course, subject to one very strong muzzle indeed, Ireland’s defamation laws.

Snoop? Yes. Whimper? Maybe. Bark? Forget it. – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.

Sir, – Poor old Gsoc – doomed to failure for taking itself seriously. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 24.