Happy 100th birthday, Dr Whitaker

Sir, – Before this year of centenaries recedes, let us celebrate the century that is the life of Dr Ken Whitaker, born December 8th, 1916.

We rejoice and give thanks for a lifetime of service in the building of our nation. Dr Whitaker has often quoted Wordsworth in regards to his own career: “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive/But to be young was very heaven.”

We, the people of Ireland, are the beneficiaries of that bliss and that heaven. God bless you, Ken.

– Yours, etc,




Co Galway.

Sir, – Happy 100th birthday Dr Whitaker!

In 1958, as a first-year articled clerk studying for chartered accountancy, I was envisioned by your first programme for economic expansion. It gave me hope that the future of Ireland was allied to the then emerging European Economic Community and that my future was on this island rather than in the UK or further afield.

You changed the direction of my life and the lives of thousands of other young people so a very big thank you.

– Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.