Hare coursing and foxhunting

Sir, – As foxhunts and coursing clubs subject wildlife to unspeakable abuse over the festive season, the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports is hopeful, for the first time in years, that a change in the political landscape in the coming months may signal the beginning of the end for these barbaric activities. With opinion polls showing a high level of support for Independents, we believe that the next Dáil will have a majority of TDs opposed to hare coursing and foxhunting, and that the vice-like grip that the bloodsport lobby has had on our politicians will at last be broken.

Already in the past year we have seen two more TDs elected, Paul Murphy and Ruth Coppinger, both of whom oppose hare coursing and foxhunting.

At present, the Animal Health and Welfare Act contains special exemptions for hare coursing and foxhunting, which specifically exempt these appalling practises from abolition. Instead of protecting wildlife, the Act effectively protects the rights and interests of the people who subject hares and foxes to indefensible cruelty.

But change is coming. We are confident that many of the politicians who support organised animal cruelty posing as “sport” will be swept away in the upcoming election, which could come at any time given the tense climate of political uncertainty and instability. – Yours, etc,




Co Kilkenny.