Sir, - While digesting the Bar Council-sponsored report on the Personal Injuries Assessment Board over breakfast this morning…

Sir, - While digesting the Bar Council-sponsored report on the Personal Injuries Assessment Board over breakfast this morning, I found my appetite for Bacon somewhat diminished.

The point about healthcare models employed by other countries to look after seriously injured accident victims is well taken. However, any assessment of our claims history will reveal that the bulk of personal injury claimants suffer from bruises, sprains, strains and stresses that rarely require further treatment once an injection of financial medicine has been administered to the rear-end pocket.

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney, is to be warmly congratulated for her quick work in this regard. I believe she has the backing of every insurance-paying citizen in this State, with the honourable exception of a greedy few in the legal, insurance and medical professions who promote this industry for personal gain. - Yours, etc.,

Dr MAURICE GUÉRET, Fortfield Road, Terenure, Dublin 6w.