Harry Clarke and Hugh Lane

Sir, – We at the Hugh Lane read with interest the article on The Eve of St Agnes by Harry Clarke which appeared in "Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks" by Fintan O'Toole and Catherine Marshall (January 10th). The Eve of St Agnes is part of the city's collection in the Hugh Lane and it is on permanent exhibition in the stained-glass room in the gallery.

We also read with interest Frank McDonald's column on the 1914 Civic Exhibition ("An Irishman's Diary", January 13th). The Hugh Lane has organised an exhibition, "Phoenix Rising: Art and Civic Imagination", which pays tribute to Patrick Geddes as the inspiration behind the 1914 Civic Exhibition. It also exhibits the original Abercrombie plan for Dublin's regeneration from Dublin City Public Libraries and Archives, together with contemporary responses by artists Stephen Brandes, Mark Clare, Cliona Harmey, Vagabond Reviews, Stéphanie Nava and Mary-Ruth Walsh. It is on public exhibition in the Hugh Lane until March 29th and admission is free. – Yours, etc,




Dublin City Gallery

The Hugh Lane,

Charlemont House,

Parnell Square North,

Dublin 1.