Hatching a plan for egg-shaped retreats

Sir, – Although an egg is undoubtedly a source of new life, the suggestion that living in an egg-shaped pod will improve one’s thought processes or decision-making ability is bizarre, to say the least. (“Developer hatches plan for egg-shaped retreats”, Home News, August 14th)

Equally bizarre is the notion that working on the top floor of the egg, orientated towards the sky and the stars, will motivate the occupant (unless, of course, the occupant is an astronomer!).

James Joyce, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs and countless other people with exciting minds lived in standard rectangular dwellings and didn’t do too badly.

Perhaps the egg plan is hatched from a desire to obtain planning permission for coastal units that might be more difficult or even impossible to obtain using traditional rectangular housing units? – Yours, etc,



Glenageary, Co Dublin.