Have the children been asked?

Sir, – I couldn’t agree more with Róisín Mulligan regarding her comments on special reading schools. (Letters, November 27th).

My son attended such a school for two years in the mid-1990s and the effect on his self-esteem and love of learning was as she describes. The school provided a timely and irreplaceable base, both academically and psychologically, for his subsequent successful negotiation of secondary school challenges. He did well in the Leaving Cert and went on to study English and philosophy at UCD followed by MA degrees in London and UCD.

So to parents such as Róisín Mulligan I would say hang in there – your support for your school should be an object lesson for the powers that be. An investment at this crucial stage in a child’s education will, in our experience, be fully repaid later. – Yours etc.



Monkstown, Dublin.