Health and weight

Sir, – The findings that one in five young women and one in four young men are overweight or obese are of great concern ("Irish rank high among most overweight in Europe", May 29th) and the fact that we have not reached the levels of our neighbours is of little consolation.

Our population needs to consume fewer calories and move more. A radical rethink is necessary and education-based strategies might include an afternoon for physical education in all schools, a ban on high-calorie drinks at school, and the mandatory teaching of basic cookery skills all the way through secondary level.

Councils and local authorities need to ensure the provision of adequate and accessible spaces and facilities where citizens can exercise. A tax break for gym membership may incentivise some young adults – the “bike to work” scheme has been regarded as a success in increasing cycling participation. The displaying of the calorific contents of food in some outlets is a positive – but this needs to be universal and more easily understood.

Left unchecked, obesity will lead to an increased disease burden in decades to come from diabetes and cardiovascular disease, with significant costs for the individual and society.


I would urge our Government to act. – Yours, etc,


Clane Road,


Co Kildare.