Health service and unity debate

Sir, – While the UK has many reasons to be proud of its National Health Service, the people of Northern Ireland should not fear unification on the basis of a changed care system, despite Kenneth Harper's suggestions (Letters, 6April 6th).

Perhaps the most obviously meaningful measure of health, average life expectancy, is reported to be longer south of the Border.

While that was reported prior to Covid, the challenges of the pandemic arguably further emphasised the merits of our odd, hybrid system. Our death rate per million of population so far is 1,352 and that of the UK 2,425, almost 80 per cent higher.

Although many on our island might be fearful of unity, it seems difficult to base those fears around health outcomes. Advocates of Sláintecare, which has much in common with the NHS, should also be cognisant of these differences. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.