Heart Disease In Africa

Sir, - David Monagan (The Irish Times, 18th September) goes to some length outlining the emerging problem of heart disease in…

Sir, - David Monagan (The Irish Times, 18th September) goes to some length outlining the emerging problem of heart disease in sub-Saharan Africa, but as a priority this pales in comparison with other issues which need to be addressed first.

Those of us involved in healthcare there will achieve little more than modest progress until the root causes of the insecurity affecting large areas of the continent are addressed.

Southern Sudan is a case in point; I have spent the past year living there with Goal medical staff in the midst of one of Africa's more protracted civil wars. We are succeeding in providing basic medical care to thousands who would otherwise have nothing. We will however be unable to achieve much else until the conflict there is resolved.

The protagonists will cease fighting only when sufficient external diplomatic pressure is applied to end the war. Such a task is beyond the capacity of aid agencies - but not beyond the governments of the developed world. Their silence is deafening. Has our own Government done anything to exonerate itself in this situation?


In the meantime, Goal staff and those of many other agencies will continue to risk their lives to ensure that assistance reaches those who have a right to it. The people of Southern Sudan will continue to wait for peace, with heart disease, unfortunately, being among the least of their worries. - Yours, etc.,

Dr Simon Collins, Goal, PO Box 19, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.