Help for Philippines typhoon victims

Sir, – There are more than 200,000 vacant houses /apartments (which are not holiday homes) in Ireland, according to the 2011 Census.

Surely it must be possible for our Government to find a way of offering accommodation in a large number of dwellings to victims of the Philippines disaster, and seek funding from the rest of Europe or the world to support these poor unfortunate people, until such a time as they have been able to get their feet back on the ground.

Irish people are now very familiar with people from the Philippines working and living here, and their track record of being hard-working, gentle and caring people. Hopefully we could try to repay some of that caring to them and their families. – Yours, etc,



Woodland Park,

Letterkenny, Co Donegal.

Sir, – Full credit to the Americans when due. Now let’s see Chinese supply ships and maybe even a tanker from Iran to fuel them all? We can all work together. – Yours, etc,



Co Clare.