Hill-walkers and tourism

Madam, - In his letter of December 7th, Éamon Ó Cuív writes that his proposed solution to any disputed waymarked routes is to…

Madam, - In his letter of December 7th, Éamon Ó Cuív writes that his proposed solution to any disputed waymarked routes is to stop advertising them. Thus in any conflict between the rights of private property and those of access it seems clear where his allegiance lies.

This makes it unlikely that his suggestion of a "general partnership approach" will be anything like a partnership between equals. In terms of hill-walking tourism, visitors will not invest time and money in a holiday if they have to seek permission, which can always be refused, to go for a hill walk. Would Mr Ó Cuív book a seaside holiday in a place where he might be denied access to the beach? - Yours, etc.,

CLARE THORNLEY, Celbridge, Co Kildare.