Hoddle Twaddle

A chara, - When the considered views of such great philosophers and theologians as Aristotle and Aquinas are open to misconstruction…

A chara, - When the considered views of such great philosophers and theologians as Aristotle and Aquinas are open to misconstruction in this age of political correctness (see "Aquinas on Women", February 6th), it is hardly surprising that the unscripted at hoc opinions of an English football manager unable to distinguish between a personal pronoun and a demonstrative adjective fail to stand up to scrutiny. Fortunately for the British people, they now have a moral guide in Mr Tony Blair to aid them in their reflections on the doctrine of reincarnation. But if Mr Blair feels so strongly about the sensitivities of "the disabled". I wonder why he adds to their number by sanctioning the bombing of Iraq. As a benighted Englishman, I should be grateful for some (indeed any) enlightenment on this impenetrable mystery of contemporary political morality. - Is mise,

Gerald Morgan, FTCD, Trinity College, Dublin 2.