Homeless Youth

Sir, - Listening to a recent radio interview with Fr Peter McVerry, I was deeply concerned to hear that despite the recent growth…

Sir, - Listening to a recent radio interview with Fr Peter McVerry, I was deeply concerned to hear that despite the recent growth in the nation's economy the problem of homelessness among young people is on the increase. It seems that the facilities to cater for this neglected section of our society are grossly inadequate, and having witnessed some of the desperate figures on the streets of Dublin, this is not hard to believe.

Fr McVerry said that a recent study carried out by the Eastern Health Board showed it would cost £10 million to bring this situation under control. One wonders why Mr McCreevy chose to neglect this very serious social problem in the Budget, while being able to justify a hand-out of £20 million to a seemingly wealthy organisation such as the GAA. It seems to be another example of the priorities of the Government being vastly different from the priorities of those whom they represent. - Yours, etc., Stephen Moulton

Sandyford, Dublin 18