Homelessness in Dublin

Madam, - On a first visit from Australia, I have fallen in love with Dublin's gracious buildings and lively pubs.

Madam, - On a first visit from Australia, I have fallen in love with Dublin's gracious buildings and lively pubs.

I am, however, saddened by the sight of so many young people sleeping rough on the pavements of the city centre. It is a small consolation that, at least, they have not been harassed by the authorities into invisible corners, as happens in so many of the world's cities.

Could I venture a very small but practicable suggestion? Perhaps a public or charitable body could encourage some of the homeless to become self-employed collectors of the rubbish that disfigures Dublin's parks and squares, providing them with bags and payment for each one filled and delivered? - Yours, etc.,

CONSTANCE LEVER-TRACY, c/o Trinity College, Dublin 2.