Honouring F.J. McCormick

Madam, - Having read with pleasure the tribute which Mr Ulick O'Connor paid to the late F.J

Madam, - Having read with pleasure the tribute which Mr Ulick O'Connor paid to the late F.J. McCormick in his letter of November 17th, I visited the Abbey Theatre to view "The Vacant Throne", painted by Cecil Ffrench Salkeld in memory of F.J. McCormick and some of the characters whom he played so brilliantly during his distinguished career. Unfortunately this painting is not currently on display in the Abbey.

Could you persuade the board of the Abbey Theatre to permit you to reproduce this painting in your newspaper to remind your readers and the board of the extraordinary talent of a great artist and a true gentleman whose reputation was maligned so unfairly in the very theatre which he graced for so many years? - Yours, etc.,

Sydney Parade Avenue,
Dublin 4.