Hopes for Christian Unity

Sir, - The tone of Patsy McGarry's article "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity cannot disguise disharmony" (The Irish Times, …

Sir, - The tone of Patsy McGarry's article "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity cannot disguise disharmony" (The Irish Times, January 18th) saddens me, as do the comments of Dr Robin Eames which he quotes and, to some extent also, those of Father Gerry Reynolds following the recent document Dominus Iesus.

I cannot for the life of me understand why such a fatalistic view should be taken of this document or of Cardinal Ratzinger's advice to Catholic bishops. Whoever thought that the ecumenical path to Christian unity of doctrine would be easy? Why be disheartened by the clear statement of a sincerely held conviction on the part of any participant on this arduous journey?

The resolution of these sincerely held convictions and the reconciliation of differing views are an exalted challenge to the best minds in Christianity and the ultimate goal of the ecumenical movement is unity of doctrine. This requires study and study requires time.

But there are intermediate blessings to be experienced on the way. One great blessing is the improvement of relationships among those with differing convictions. Many have experienced this blessing. In fact, a veritable transformation has taken place in relationships between Catholics and Protestants. This is progress and this progress should be recognised and cherished.


Doctrinal differences will have to be wrestled with for many years to come. The persistence of these differences should not be allowed to diminish the success in interpersonal and inter-church relationships which has been achieved over the years since Pope John XXIII first invited representatives from "our separated brethren" to the Second Vatican Council.

There is no room for fatalism, no matter what problems sincerely held convictions on any side throw up. Is it not creditable that Christians, like mature human beings, are marching together towards our ultimate goal of unity of doctrine, even though we may still have some considerable distance to travel? - Yours, etc.,

Rt Rev Mgr F. Donnelly, PP, Fair Street, Drogheda, Co Louth.