How to boost the economy

Madam, – Future generations will look back on us and our naive property speculation with significant disapproval.

Madam, – Future generations will look back on us and our naive property speculation with significant disapproval.

A millennium ago Ireland was covered in native hardwood trees. As our gift to future generations we should try to come somewhere near the European tree coverage average and plant native trees, millions of native trees.

A good man, I am told can plant over 500 bare-root trees per day. We have hundreds of thousands of good men (and women) in paid unemployment.

Let’s start a planting campaign, led by our correctly chief-heavy Army, and put our people to work.


There will be a Rubik’s Cube of benefits garnered from a national mission, environmentally sound activity and healthy work programmes.

Simple methods exist to do this at absolute minimal cost to the State.

We may be viewed in the future as naive, but our children’s children will have our trees, our forests, our “conarbations” (sic) and in that will lie much forgiveness.

– Yours, etc,

MICHEAL O GATHLAOICH, Castlebridge, Wexford.