Howth Protest Walk

Sir, - As one of many hundreds who took part in the Howth protest walk on October 19th, may I congratulate you on your coverage…

Sir, - As one of many hundreds who took part in the Howth protest walk on October 19th, may I congratulate you on your coverage. The prospective developer was confronted by substantial local and visitor objection to any change in the status of these fields at Barrenhill.

The protestors were greeted by open trenches, greased fences, excavators and bareback pony riders. We took particular exception to the intimidatory fixed notices which stated that the lands in question were a "farm" to which entry was prohibited under the 1995 Occupiers' Liability Act. We would be interested to hear what crops have been cultivated, or what animals husbanded, on lands open and wild within the longest memory of those who walked on this day.

More generally, the firms and organisations who sponsor and promote this type of notice should be aware that the Act referred to was designed to limit the liability of landowners to recreational users, for the benefit of all. The hyping of anxieties as to possible residual risks serves only to devalue the charm of our rural environment, to the detriment of recreation and agri-tourism alike. - Yours, etc.,

Bettyglen, Dublin 5.