HSE threatens to close soup runs

Sir, – I read with horror that the Health Service Executive is threatening to close two soup runs in Dublin if they do not adhere to HACCP [food safety] regulations.

These soup runs are run by volunteers, many cooking the food in their own kitchens. They feed up to 300 people every night, who are either homeless or live in food poverty. They are an essential service.

Soup runs are not profit making, nor do they charge for their services. They supply tasty and nutritious food by using their own funds, donations from restaurants and food outlets, and with money from the public.

They fill a void that is not covered by the authorities.


It would appear that the HSE is more concerned about regulations than the homeless having to eat discarded food from takeaway outlets and restaurants if these soup runs are closed.

Why the sudden concern for food safety for the homeless? I have not seen or heard on any news media of food poisoning from any volunteer food distribution.

Let’s start by tackling the underlying issues with regard to homelessness and food poverty before we cut off the food supply. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.