Human rights in Tibet

Madam, - The Chinese occupation of Tibet has resulted in the deaths of over a million Tibetans through torture, starvation and…

Madam, - The Chinese occupation of Tibet has resulted in the deaths of over a million Tibetans through torture, starvation and execution. More than 6,000 monasteries have been destroyed.

Political and religious expression is severely curtailed and prisoners are being tortured and executed. China is encouraging large-scale settlements of Han Chinese in Tibet and pursuing policies designed to eradicate the Tibetan language and culture.

Considering our own history of suffering at the hands of colonialists you would think our Government would have something to say about all this.

The recent visit of our President to China and this week's visit here by the Chinese prime minister presented ideal opportunities to raise these issues.


The Government should be putting pressure on the Chinese to begin negotiations with the Tibetan government-in-exile. Unfortunately, all our Government wants to talk about is making money. - Yours, etc.,

DAVID QUINN, Mespil Estate, Dublin 4.