Human rights violations and Amanda Mellet

Sir, – On June 9th of this year the United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled that Ireland had subjected Amanda Mellet to cruel and inhuman treatment when it prevented her from terminating a pregnancy involving a fatal foetal anomaly.

The committee held that Ireland is obliged under international law to remedy the violations Ms Mellet suffered – by paying compensation to her, making rehabilitation available to her and by reforming its laws on abortion. The committee outlined that the Government should report back to it by December 6th, 2016 on the remedial measures taken.

The Government has, in the course of parliamentary debates last week, made it clear that the law reform ordered by the committee will not occur within the reporting deadline. However your report (News, October 25th) that the Government has also yet to provide Ms Mellet with measures of rehabilitation is deeply concerning to the National Women's Council of Ireland and our members.

It is inconceivable that Ireland would ignore a groundbreaking ruling from the UN Human Rights Committee, and further aggravate the suffering of Ms Mellet, and countless other women in her situation in Ireland.– Yours, etc,




National Women’s Council

of Ireland,

Dublin 7.