Ibrahim Halawa’s long wait for justice

For over 1,000 days Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa has been held in an Egyptian prison - no evidence has been heard, no trial has taken place.

Sir, – The latest denial of trial in Egypt to Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa highlights the continuing denial of justice in his case. In effect, he has now been interned for three years of his young life, since the age of 17.

In December, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission criticised the serious human rights issues raised by his arrest and detention as a minor, the lack of access to a fair trial in the context of a mass trial with 490 others, and asserted his right to freedom from torture and inhuman and degrading treatment. I believe the Irish Government must urgently insist on a presidential pardon for Ibrahim Halawa, or at a minimum his release to their custody under article 140 of Egyptian law, thereby allowing the Irish courts to decide if he has a case to answer.

The diplomatic route has not been effective, and action is necessary, before this young man collapses completely, physically and mentally. – Yours, etc,




Irish Human Rights

and Equality Commission,

Dublin 6.