If the cap fits

Sir, – There is a very serious purpose to golfers wearing caps, goofy, money-earning or otherwise. It is to protect their heads and faces from the cancer-inducing ultraviolet rays of the sun. Any self-respecting professional to appear without a cap on the golf courses of the world tours, most of which are in sunny climes, would not only face ridicule but would be setting a very bad example to the many young fans who watch them. I would not be surprised if the tours make it mandatory. That they can at the same time turn an essential life- saving aid into a money-spinner is surely creative.

I am sure your readers, if follicly challenged, would not venture forth without cover, goofy or otherwise, in the midday sun. Our forefathers who wore a knotted handkerchief on their heads when visiting our beaches in summers past were not as daft as they were sometimes portrayed. – Yours, etc,


Foxrock, Dublin 18.


Sir, – All the current focus on men wearing caps reminds me of the old definition of a Kerry nudist – “a Dingleman without a cap”. – Yours, etc,


Bishopstown, Cork.