Illegal deer-hunting

Sir, – The Garda Síochána and the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) are to be complimented for their latest clampdown on illegal deer-hunting. Deer herds around the country have been ravaged in recent months by gangs of thugs using high-powered lamps and dogs.

Some of the criminals involved simply wish to shoot the deer for meat, but by far the worst activity is the deliberate setting of lurchers and assorted cross-bred dogs on the timid creatures.

Anyone with knowledge of these gangs should contact the Garda or NPWS.

Unfortunately, the continued legality of blood sports in our country, ones that are no less cruel than illegal deer-hunting, makes it difficult to wean people off senseless animal cruelty. It also makes nonsense of our animal protection laws.


We need to be consistent in tackling animal cruelty dressed up as recreation.

Otherwise our animal protection laws will continue their decent into farce and irrelevance. – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.