Image Of Ballyfermot

Sir, - To illustrate the report on crime in Ballyfermot (March 14th) you printed a large, unsightly photograph of a wall covered…

Sir, - To illustrate the report on crime in Ballyfermot (March 14th) you printed a large, unsightly photograph of a wall covered in graffiti that conveyed a negative image of the Ballyfermot area. It was disappointing that you chose to use a photograph that must have been taken at least one year ago.

While I am not suggesting that Ballyfermot is graffiti free - no more than many other areas of the city - your readers might be interested to know that, thanks to a local community initiative, this particular wall and several others in the area have not been in such a condition for some time. - Yours, etc.,

Gilbert Power, Chief Regional Officer, Dublin Corporation, Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10.