Immigration And Racism

Sir, - It is a pity the debate that Thomas P

Sir, - It is a pity the debate that Thomas P. Walsh (August 15th) wants to initiate is so bedevilled by tiptoeing around the term "racist", which in current academic fashion seems to require endless parsing and deconstruction. My suggestion is to focus on what racism does, rather than worry too much over what it is.

The worst evils that result from racism are obvious - you have only to look at Auschwitz - but the lesser evils from verbal abuse to job discrimination need to be emphasised and outlawed in any society that calls itself civilised.

Further, it is clear that behind much overt racism are racial stereotyping and unthinking assumptions - assumptions that are often shared by many people who do not think of themselves as racist at all.

However, this petty racism can often provide cover for extremists to promote a more violent agenda. Hence, in any debate, participants should choose their words carefully to avoid providing any kind of aid or comfort for such people


Mr Walsh may call this "political correctness", but what is that but a counter-label to "racist"? Exchanging labels in this way is no better than trading insults, and obscures rather than clarifies matters.

I would certainly take issue with Mr Walsh that racist reactions are in some way natural. "Pure" ethnic groups, either culturally or genetically speaking, are non-existent in the wider world, except for tiny groups in New Guinea and South America which stayed frozen in an early stage of development. the survival of a group demands the ability to assimilate successful cultural traits from surrounding groups, and a healthy replenishing of the gene pool. Racial strife in a complex society always parallels other differences, either political, class or economic. Also, in places of endemic racial strife, the exploiters and fomenters are never far away.

By all means, let us debate what is just and right in the matter of immigration, but let us be careful not to provide space for those with a more sinister agenda. - Yours, etc.,

Toby Joyce, Balreask Manor, Navan, Co Meath.