Impact of a carbon tax

Madam, – In order to keep the unrepresentative Green Party on board and thereby preserving its own political skin, Fianna Fáil…

Madam, – In order to keep the unrepresentative Green Party on board and thereby preserving its own political skin, Fianna Fáil is prepared against all economic logic to implement a carbon tax (Breaking News, September 21st)

This tax must be resisted by the people of this country. As it is, we already pay almost 70 per cent of the price of a litre of petrol in taxes. The insidious carbon tax will hit not just motorists, but anybody who uses home heating fuels of any description. This tax comes at a time when our economy is facing ruin on a scale not seen since the 1930s, at a time when wages and savings are being decimated in order to protect corrupt banks and property developers.

This tax will hit not only the motorist but also the pensioner, social welfare recipient and lower paid, at the same time we see our leaders’ wage, pension and expense accounts spiral to astronomical levels.

The people of this country do not want any further imposition of taxes to keep the Greens in power or to satisfy their fantasies regarding the lie pertaining to global warming. The Greens represent a small number of the cosseted middle-class who in general have access to a reasonable public transport system, whereas the vast majority who have rejected the Green party policies have got no access to public transport and need their cars for all transport.


The Greens have proven time and again that they are willing to discard their principles in order to maintain their grip on power, surely this shows how badly our democratic system is served by proportional representation, which allows small, lunatic fringe parties access to power over a people who do not want to partake in their new-age Utopian fantasies?

Let the Government use part of the 70 per cent they already take to service this carbon tax con. We, as a people cannot afford to pay €1.50 per litre for petrol and the subsequent rise in all other fuels to service the vanity of John Gormley and his motley crew. – Yours, etc,



Ennis, Co Clare.