Impact of Budget 2016

Sir, – Our GDP will be approximately €42 billion this year. However, of this €42 billion we will spend €8 billion this year servicing our debt interest costs. Our national debt is just over €200 billion and we will borrow approximately €5 billion more this year. With an election in mind, we will “give back” at least €1.5 billion to the people but all of this will be borrowed. Meanwhile the Opposition screams for much more to be given back to the people.

Economic madness. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.

Sir, – How cruel, how calculated. Not enough in Budget 2016 for the homeless. Why? No doubt about it, it’s because they don’t vote. I ask all as they are about to vote to remember the homeless, remember the people who died on our streets, the number of children living in one room in a so-called hotel. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.

Sir, – Has Fintan O'Toole ("The Minister for Finance and his know-nothing Budget", Opinion & Analysis, October 13th) coined a new word?

I refer to his column where he alludes to the “cockspiritorial” system of government. I expect it’s an error but if not, why not? There is merit somewhere in the word! – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.

Sir, – The Government once again has missed a golden opportunity to rectify the private rental sector.

We welcome the measures that were introduced by Government; unfortunately the tax treatment of the private rental sector is still not workable nor is the sector treated in the same way as every other business. It is the State’s responsibility to provide housing for its citizens and the private rental sector can help with this goal. However, landlords are leaving the sector due to the unfair tax treatment. – Yours, etc,



Irish Property

Owners’ Association,

Ashtown Business Centre,

Navan Road,

Dublin 15.

Sir, – This year’s offering must go down as the most leaked budget of all time. It was like one of those awful film trailers that show you practically the entire movie.

At least there won’t be a sequel from this particular Government.– Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.