Impasse in North peace process

A chara, - In order to wean republicans away from supporting violence and to move them toward non-violent democratic methods, …

A chara, - In order to wean republicans away from supporting violence and to move them toward non-violent democratic methods, the British Government has cancelled an essential element of democracy, elections.

In order to demonstrate a joint Irish and British dimension to the conflict the British have arbitrarily, in the manner of a colonial overlord, exercised sovereign power on behalf of supporters of colonial policy, Mr Trimble's Unionists - who might have lost the election.

Tony Blair might save Dave in the short term, but Mr Trimble's credibility as a political leader has been shredded. His position is now based on the whim of a political benefactor, no longer on the verdict of the electorate.

Many people are aware that nationalists' views don't really count, elections notwithstanding. Unionists should now know that the views of a majority of unionists don't count either.


Is this any way to run a peace process? Sinn Féin supports it, but the British government is ruining it. - Is mise,


(Sinn Féin),

Members' Room,

Dublin City Council,

Dublin 2.