In defence of jaywalking

Madam, - Your Motors section of January 17th focuses on the low level of enforcement of pedestrian safety law in Dublin compared…

Madam, - Your Motors section of January 17th focuses on the low level of enforcement of pedestrian safety law in Dublin compared with some other cities. Could part of the reason for this blind eye be that pedestrian facilities in other cities are of a much higher standard? The difference lies in having adequate pavement space and efficient pedestrian crossings.

The typical Dublin pedestrian light operates in favour of pedestrians for about 20 seconds in every 3 minutes. There is no evident attempt at syncronisation, so that navigating the two lights at College Green, a distance of 35 yards, can take six minutes.

One notable exception is, of course, the light at the Kildare Street crossing which responds immediately, thus ensuring our elected representatives are not detained from urgent constituency business in the bar of Buswells Hotel.- Yours, etc,

AJ ROUS, Shanganagh Road, Killiney, Co Dublin.