In defence of millennials

Sir, – Fionn Rogan (Opinion, August 2nd) makes much of Ireland's supposedly "infantile" society, and ensuing lack of "gumption" among his peers. He neglects to mention, even in passing, Ireland's youth unemployment rate which is, even now, high by European standards.

He forgets too both the historical and demographic contingency which underpins his own erstwhile success.

The world is not as simple as it once was, and as any of his colleagues will gladly inform him, employment can actually be rather hard to come by, especially in Dublin where supply of work-starved youth greatly exceeds demand.

Furthermore, not every young person has the opportunities, education, or experience afforded to Mr Rogan, not least in the field of accounting where he currently seems to thrive.


As someone a year behind him in college, and yes, someone with a job, I speak for many of my peers when I say this is the kind of trite condescension we can rather do without.

– Le meas,



Co Kildare.