In Defence Of TnaG

Sir, - I write to take issue with Kevin Myers's recent attack on Teilifis na Gaeilge

Sir, - I write to take issue with Kevin Myers's recent attack on Teilifis na Gaeilge. TnaG is a welcome and distinctive new voice in Irish broadcasting. It has fostered new Irish writing and talent since its inception with a daring and imaginative schedule. What better proof is needed when TV3 poached so many of its young talented staff? Despite the fact that it receives one eighth of the funding of S4C Wales (£10 million vs £80 million sterling), TnaG produces the same number of hours, providing exceptional value for money.

The question is ultimately a cultural one. What level of investment are we prepared to make in ourselves? Art, music, theatre are all legitimate expressions of our cultural heritage and receive State support, so why not the major cultural expression of the late 20th century in the first language of our country? If we want the Irish language to be protected and fostered, it is essential we have a station in the language. An added benefit, of course, is the number of jobs created in an area of the country which badly needs it - over 1,400 in the vibrant independent television sector last year.

Mr Myers, far from being "the unloved bastard taken into the family home out of duty" TnaG is more akin to an interesting - dare I say sexy? - new cousin you never knew you had. Tune in and see. - Is mise, Tania Banotti,



Film Makers Ireland,

Meeting House Square,

Dublin 2.