In Flanders Field

Sir, - G. Duffy enquired (December 2nd) if the Navy participated at the inauguration ceremony at Messines, Belgium of a tower…

Sir, - G. Duffy enquired (December 2nd) if the Navy participated at the inauguration ceremony at Messines, Belgium of a tower and peace park dedicated to the Irish killed at Messines Ridge in June 1917.

I am glad to report that 50 members of the Irish Naval Association, including the President of the Naval Association, Mr Piaras O'Connor, were invited guests at the ceremony and seated in stand "E".

The Naval Association has in its ranks serving and former members of the Naval Service, An Slua Muiri (Naval Reserve) and the Marine Service (1939-1946). The membership comprises serving and retired officers, NCOs and ratings.

All that aside, President McAleese is the commander-in-chief of the Defence Forces. Her presence at Messines was representative of not only all Irish civilians but also of all members of the Defence Forces, i.e., Army, Naval Service and Air Corps.


Anyone interested in the activities of our association and in particular our visit to the Battle sites of WW1 and WW2 can call up Irish Naval Association on any of the search engines on the Internet. - Yours, etc., Lt Terry Cummins (SM), Retd.,

The Naval Association, 32-34 Lennox Street, Dublin 8.