In search of a government

A chara, – Nicholas O'Connor (March 28th) berates me for choosing to vote for Independent candidates, suggesting that if "everybody else" had voted similarly, there would be no chance of a stable government.

The reality is that, because of the electoral choices that I and “everybody else” made, we are now on the cusp of a historic breakthrough in the formation of a government. It just remains for Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil to realise that the people have spoken, grasp the nettle, ditch their current leaders and get down to negotiating a programme for government.

The two major parties have provided ample evidence that neither can be trusted to govern as either a single party or in coalition where they dwarf the smaller coalition party, but the potential of equal cabinet representation with the larger party providing the taoiseach and the partner party controlling the finance portfolio could provide both stability and fairness. I won’t hold my breath. – Is mise,




Co Clare.

Sir, – Aidan Devon(March 29th) has "never heard an Irish government announce a policy for the betterment of Irish society". The smoking ban policy introduced by the current leader of Fianna Fáil must surely be one such example, or has that got lost in the much-reduced haze? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Anything stirring? – Yours, etc,


Gran Canaria,
