Sir, - I appreciate the coverage given to this Irish expedition to retrace the Shackleton boat journey and crossing of South …

Sir, - I appreciate the coverage given to this Irish expedition to retrace the Shackleton boat journey and crossing of South Georgia in 1916. Along with many others, I was deeply saddened by their having to abandon their boat, the Tom Crean, some halfway between Elephant island and South Georgia.

I feel the general public has little perception of the ferocity of the seas and storms encountered in those regions, and how difficult the decision to abandon must have been. However, like Shackleton, the safety of others must be the prime factor in decisions made in such circumstances.

I can only say that I was deeply moved when I heard the traverse of South Georgia had been completed, and I can well understand how Frank Nugent and his team must have felt at the end of the Journey. We should be extremely proud that these Irishmen have reminded us of the exploits of our forbears, and I hope that a full account of the expedition will appear in your paper in due course. - Yours, etc.,

Coneyboro, Celbridge, Co Kildare.