Incinerators And Waste

Sir, - I am intrigued to read that "tourism potential" is cited as a reason for constructing regional incinerators according …

Sir, - I am intrigued to read that "tourism potential" is cited as a reason for constructing regional incinerators according to recommendations in a report on waste for local authorities prepared by consulting engineers M.C. O'Sullivan Ltd (The Irish Times, April 6th).

Given that EU and national legislation require priority to be given to the three Rs of waste - reuse, reduce and recycle - and that incineration requires optimum creation of waste, I expect it will not be long before overseas visitors start to point out this contradiction between Government policy and practice.

At least letters to the newspapers on this topic will make a change from tourist complaints about litter. - Is mise, Trevor Sargent, TD,

Dail Eireann, Baile Atha Cliath 2.